
Technology Exchanges

Technology Exchanges

Since the 12th Five Year Plan, Chalco has made rapid progress in science, technology and innovation, and achieved a variety of important results, thanks to concerted efforts of R&D🥃 staff of Chalco. Some of these results have been applied to production, and have produced remarkable economic and social benefits, contributing to the development of Chalco and the whole industry. Meanwhile, the company has met with technical difficulties that impede itself and the industry. Now Chalco has released some of its proprietary technologies and S&T demands, in the ho🌠pe of making greater contribution to China’s aluminum industry by collaborating with all sectors of the community on S&T difficulties.

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Aluminium Corp all rights reserved by Beijing public security 110401000017 Beijing public security 110401000017 Address: the people's Republic of China Beijing, Haidian District Xizhimen North Street No. 62
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