
Annual Report on Form 20-F for Fiscal Year 2021

Please note that Aluminum Corporation of China Limited (the "Company") will provide, upon written request and free of charge, any shareholder with a hard copy of the Company's complete audited financial statements as included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2021. Such requests should be directed to Investor Relations Division, Board Office, Aluminum Corporation of China Limited, No.62 North Xizhimen Street, Beijing 100082, P.R.China (Email: ir@fs-meikang.com; IR Enquiry: +86 10 8229 8322).
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Aluminium Corp all rights reserved by Beijing public security 110401000017 Beijing public security 110401000017 Address: the people's Republic of China Beijing, Haidian District Xizhimen North Street No. 62
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