
General Aluminum Ingot

原因: 平台时间: 2014-07-30
Remelting aluminum ingot is the primary material for producing aluminum products. It is a light-weight, erosion-resistant, thermal and electricity conductive, extensible, recyclable and eco-friendly metal material. It is widely applied in industries like construction, electricity, packaging, transportation and consumer goods. The remelting aluminum ingot is produced at Chalco’s subsidiaries including Chalco Guizhou Branch, Chalco Qinghai Branch, Chalco Lanzhou Branch, Chalco Liancheng Branch, Baotou Aluminum, Shanxi Huaze Aluminum & Power Co., Ltd., Shanxi Huasheng Aluminum Co., Zunyi Alumina Co., Ltd, Shandong Huayu Alloy Material Co., Ltd. with the capacity of 3.85 million ton per annam. The remelting aluminum ingot of the company reaches the national GB/T1196-93 standard, and the brand has been registered at LME and Shanghai Metal Exchange.

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Aluminium Corp all rights reserved by Beijing public security 110401000017 Beijing public security 110401000017 Address: the people's Republic of China Beijing, Haidian District Xizhimen North Street No. 62
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