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Profile of the Company 收入:      时间间隔: 2023-10-17

Aluminum Corporation of China Limited(hereinafter referred to as Chalco), incorporated on 10th September 2001 in China and a holding subsidiary of Aluminum Corporation of China, is the world’s largest producer and supplier of alumina, aluminum, fine alumina, high purity aluminum and aluminum anodes. As an international and leading aluminum company, Chalco is unique with a complete industrial chain in global aluminum industry and its business covers mineral resources exploration, alumina, aluminum, aluminum alloy, carbon anode, coal production, high-tech promotion and application, international trade, materials supply, logistics, energy and power, etc. As listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange on December 2001, New York Stock Exchange on December 2001, and Shanghai Stock Exchange on April 2007, Chalco’s A-shares are included in MSCI China A Onshore Index and H-shares are included in Hang Seng China Enterprises Index. Fitch, an international credit-rating agency, continually rates Chalco as A-, the highest rating in the global non-ferrous metal industry. Chalco has also achieved A-level rating for information disclosure by the Shanghai Stock Exchange for four years and enlisted in the "SOEs ESG • Pioneer 50 Index" for two years. In addition, Chalco also manages two listed companies, named Yunaluminum Co., Ltd. (000807) and Yinxing Energy Co., Ltd. (000862). As of the end of 2022, the total assets of Chalco were 212.3 billion yuan with 68000 employees.
图片说明:Profile of the Company
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