
Talent Philosophy

Talent Philosophy

Human resources are the foundation of a company. Chalco is committed to its talent p🍎hilosophy of putting people first, cherishing talent and caring for employees by respecting and protecting their rights and interests꧒, providing a working condition that’s fair, just and harmonious, a stage for them to display their talents, opportunities to grow and advance their careers, and competitive pay and benefits. Harmonious industrial relations make it possible for Chalco and its employees to grow together in a sustainable and organic manner. Therefore, Chalco can deliver its commitments to create more values for shareholders, to increase benefits for itself, and raise incomes for employees.Chalco is concerned about employees’ health and life. That’s why it always tries to ensure that each and every employee has benefited from the company’s fruits, together with efforts to create a positive environment to improve employees’ health and enrich their life after work.

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Aluminium Corp all rights reserved by Beijing public security 110401000017 Beijing public security 110401000017 Address: the people's Republic of China Beijing, Haidian District Xizhimen North Street No. 62
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